
The Army’s Menacing Laser Weapon Has Finally Beamed to the Battlefield

U.S. forces in Iraq now have futuristic firepower at their fingertips to counter aerial threats. The U.S. Army has deployed its first operational  laser  weapon system to Iraq. Three Stryker infantry combat vehicles armed with 50 kilowatt lasers, known as DE M-SHORADS, have been deployed in response to lethal drone strikes on U.S. personnel. The brand-new systems were only delivered to the service last September. Air Defense Laserlaser According to  Army Times , head of U.S. Central Command General Michael Kurilla told Congress that three of the DE M-SHORADS systems are in  Iraq  “right now” and are being used in “experiments” to “identify their best application.”  Army Times  further reported that Kurilla “did not disclose preliminary results.” DE M-SHORADS stands for Directed Energy Maneuver Short Range Air Defense Systems. Developed by RTX (formerly Raytheon) they combine a 50 kilowatt laser weapon with the armored chassis of a Stryker infantry combat  vehicle . The laser is oriente

The Air Force's ‘Super Duper Missile’ Has Faded to Black

The once-promising hypersonic weapon made its final launch, as the Air Force contemplates the next leap in defense. On March 17, almost seven decades after the venerable B-52 bomber entered service with the U.S. Air Force, one of the eight-engine jets took off from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam carrying a unique weapon that was a far cry from the nuclear gravity bombs famously flown to their Soviet target by Major Kong in the film Dr. Strangelove. Slung under this B-52’s wing was a beefy AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Respond Weapon (ARRW or ‘Arrow’)—a hypersonic missile once dubbed the “Super Duper missile” by Donald Trump, designed to race towards targets over a thousand miles away at eight times the speed of sound while retaining enough maneuverability to evade air defenses. BUY This was also the first test of a U.S. hypersonic weapon in the Western Pacific. It was pointedly staged from Guam, a key U.S. military base in event of a conflict with China. But there was another unusual as